Member-only story
Dare County Lawmakers on Mandatory Face Masks: We’d Rather Not Get Involved
Citizens want them, County Health Officials recommend them, but the lawmakers won’t touch the idea.
“The group determined that the wearing of face masks will continue to be strongly encouraged but not mandatory. The main reason for this is the inability to enforce a mandatory mask requirement,” remarked Woodard in the video.”
I will start by getting something out of the way: Covid-19 doesn’t care about your party affiliation, your grandma, or your asthma. It is a proven fact that wearing masks en masse will stop the spread of the virus. That same virus that doesn’t care about your granny or your sister and them — it could care even less that you “won’t be told to wear no mask.”
“(CNN)The new coronavirus spreads mainly via airborne transmission and wearing a mask is the most effective way to stop person-to person spread, according to a new study.”
If you fall into the category of those who think the Covid-19 pandemic is a hoax, or no different than the flu, or hasn’t actually killed over 115,000 Americans in a mere four months or less, this is not for you. Carry on, Uncle Darwin has your back. Freedom!