Member-only story
The DNC Came Over, Got High, And Completely Ruined Supper
-know how you sometimes get hungry, but don’t want the same old thing, so you drive around, or look at food ads over and over again and before you know it, everything is closed and you’re stuck with what you already had?
- That’s today’s DNC.
- Fuckin’ around.
Yesterday I had a few friends over. We hadn’t spent much time together over the last three years and I looked forward to catching up, playing some cards, or board games and talking a little trash and philosophy. One of them brought some high-octane Mary Jane from her favorite dispensary, so we passed a little around.
Some wanted to play Monopoly, and some wanted Battleship. A few suggested Trivial Pursuit, but as compromise, we settled on The Game of Life. A few hours passed as we started families, had kids, paid taxes and everything else one does while playing Life until as the afternoon turned into evening, we got hungry and started talking about food.
Someone said “Let’s go to Bernie’s Deli! They have the best sandwiches in the state, and free chips and drink with every purchase!”
“No-o-o-o!” exclaimed another. “They only have fountain drinks and I want bottled- “ he said.
“Actually,” I interrupted, “you can get bottled if you want, you just have to- “
“Too much work!” he grumbled. “Let’s…