Member-only story
We Can’t See The Circus for The Clowns.
Hillary hates Bernie, not a story. Bernie dissed Liz, not a story. coronavirus, not a story. Ammosexuals flexing; not even close.
Homelessness, poverty, child hunger, PTSD, depression, Veterans committing suicide, a shitty healthcare industry and the highest incarceration rate in the world- that’s a story.
We have an impeached, corrupt, (accused, alleged)rapist demagogue in the White House and the spineless Senate Majority Leader just rigged his impeachment trial to ensure a swift acquittal with no witnesses and no evidence to refute the mountain of evidence against the most corrupt POTUS* in modern history. That’s a story.
Call and write to your Congressional Representatives, today, now and often. Demand a fair trial by impartial judges and jurors!
We have Joseph Fucking Goebbels II as the president’s* speechwriter and adviser- confirmed white supremacist and architect of the nation’s immigration policy, and in 2019 we held just under 70,000 foreign children in cages and that’s a record for a nation which excels at incarceration, that’s a story.
Institutionalized. Fucking. Racism, Sexism, and villainous Cronyism.. Four hundred fucking year old story.
We have an openly bigoted, homophobic Vice President who gives motivational speeches, dropping MLK…